buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title SongScroll - AI Song Generation Input Sharing style.css header class hero nav div SongScroll class logo div class nav-links a Share href #share-form a About href #about main section id about class intro h1 Shape the Future of AI Music p Share your song generation inputs to help create meaningful AI music section id share-form class form-container h2 Share Your Song Vision form class song-input-form div class form-group label Persona for persona textarea id persona placeholder Describe the character or voice behind the song... div class form-group label Goals for goals textarea id goals placeholder What should this song achieve? div class form-group label Pain Points/Challenges for challenges textarea id challenges placeholder What struggles or conflicts should be addressed? div class form-group label Song Considerations for considerations textarea id considerations placeholder Any specific musical elements to consider? div class form-group label Context for context textarea id context placeholder What's the background or setting? div class form-group label Solutions for solutions textarea id solutions placeholder What resolutions or answers does the song offer? div class form-group label Story Arch for story-arch textarea id story-arch placeholder How should the narrative progress? div class form-group label Genres for genres input type text id genres placeholder Separate multiple genres with commas div class form-group label Tone for tone input type text id tone placeholder The emotional tone of the song button Submit type submit class submit-btn footer div class footer-content p Created with passion for AI music creators script.js